Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I believe that having a career that makes you happy is essential. Why would you go through your whole life at a job that makes you unhappy. If it is just to support your family think about this.. would you rather go through life happy.. or with a lot of money.. I would personally pick money. When I was young I wanted to become a veterinarian.. but hey.. what young little girl doesn't. I wanted to be a veterinarian until I found out that you actually have to put perfectly healthy dogs and cats to sleep. :( . I would never be able to do that.

Right now I am thinking I want to be a rehabilitation counsellor because I love learning about peoples problems and to know that I helped someone and possibly saved there life would feel great. I am going to get there by trying to get a scholarship anywhere possible. Taking a year off to work and save money or travel for a year. Then get right back to school.

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