Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 Reasons You Should Skip Bathing for a Week

1. To save soap- if you save soap that means you save money, and saving money is always good.
2. I'm not a very good swimmer- So it would decrease my chance of drowning
3. Taking a bath once a week would make you smell- So that would help chase away all your sports competitors or those people you just don't like
4. Save Time- If you only bath once a week, that means you can use that 20 minutes it takes to have a bath to do important stuff, like school work :)
5. Use your natural oils- Natural hair oils are very good for your hair, so it would make it healthy
6. Must save water- Due to all the polar ice caps melting, it is just unnatural for me to continue going on with my daily life and showering everyday even though I'm harming the environment
7. I'm allergic to the water- I would brake out with hives and my throat would begin to close= bath less
8. To lose weight- You would simply smell yourself before eating and lose your appetite
9. Other Methods- There is other methods you can use to bath yourself that saves time and money.. like sponge bathing.
10. Lazy- Bathing is a big hassle you have to wash your hair, clean your body. And after your done you have to dry your hair, do you hair, dry your body, pick out clean clothes etc...

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