Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Ending of 'The Lottery'

I compare the ending of the Lottery how they choice one person out of a hat to get stoned to The Holocaust. I compared these too things because in both cause the choice is very random, and it proves nothing other then less people in the world. I find the ending of 'The Lottery' very selfish, even though people are fighting for the lives through poverty, cancer etc.. they will still take the life of a completely healthy individual. This is the same as 'The Holocaust' to because the Nazi's just took the life millions of innocent and healthy Jew's, gays, and blacks. This shows how judgemental our world is today, and how we don't accept many of raises, and people who don't meet our expectations. Or what we think people are suppose to look like. I find it very ironic how the person that was the happiest got chosen to get stoned. Like how the jews would do anything to survive but the Nazi's wanted nothing to do with them.

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